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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lane Victory

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mojave Floor

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Ok, Let Me Splain

Ok, Let me Splain... no that will take too long... Let me sum up.

It has been a quite a while since my last post but things had got away from me there for a bit. I will break all the big news into acts for easier digestion.

The Epic Post in Three Acts

Act I: Transition
I am self employed, again. A funny thing happened to me on the way to the assignment... I was on one of the best shoots I had while at SGVN (and there were only a hand full) not good news but good pix, during the memorial of a police officer. 6-24-11-6 SERVICE01
An added bonus was shooting next to L.A. Times' Don Bartletti all day. Whata great guy!DonBartletti
Any hoo, I got back to the office and got layed off, again, from the same company, after 11 years, from different papers. As the journalism industry continues to circle the drain I had been working in earnest on the preparation of my own departure to go back to freelancing. I was only weeks away from cutting through the fence when low and behold, a severance package. I was giddy, nervous but giddy.

Act II: Freelance
Through several sources I am able to photograph for corporate and editorial outlets as and independent contractor/freelancer. This is keeping me moderately busy photographing for companies like Baskin Robbins, _DSC3293
events for T-Mobile T-Mobile Retail Event with Luis Hernandez
and Hershey's, HERSHEY'S S'mores Snacktivity266
Magazines like Foothills Magazine TraciTerryZIP07
and online news services such as The Associated Press and Patch.com.

HERSHEY'S S'mores Snacktivity147
The Hershey's event was to photograph their S'mores Snacktivity Suite at the BlogHer 2011 convention in San Diego, which brings me here. 2000 women bloggers got me inspired to start posting again!
HERSHEY'S S'mores Snacktivity014HERSHEY'S S'mores Snacktivity135

Act III: Family Time
One thing that was very hard to do in my last job was spend quality time with my family. With abysmal conditions in the newspaper including furlough days and no vacation accrual our time together was a bit dodgy. So a long awaited trip to Monterey and San Francisco was not to be missed,
visited Evan at Boy Scout summer camp,(right) CampEmerson2011-125
Hiked Mt. Baden-Powell MtBadenPowell2011-157
and went to The Huntington Library to see some nice art.Huntington201101

Its been a good summer :)